[PC]Star Citizen - Neues Weltraum-MMO von Chris Roberts

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Liest zur Zeit: Nelson Bond: "Lancelot Biggs Weltraumfahrten" (Lancelot Biggs: Spaceman)
Lucy Kissik: "Projekt Pluto" (Plutoshine)
Perry Rhodan "Die Meister der Insel" (Zyklus-Paket 1)

Marvel Epic Collection "Ant-Man 01: The Man in a Anthill" von Jack Kirby, Don Heck, Dirk Ayers und Stan Lee
Marvel Epic Collection "Wolferine 01: Madripoor Nights" von Chris Claremont, Peter David, John Buscema und Gene Colan
Wohnort: Schwalbach a.Ts.

[PC]Star Citizen - Neues Weltraum-MMO von Chris Roberts

Ungelesener Beitrag von Khaanara »

Chris Roberts (Wing Commander, Privateer, etc.) hat heute sein neues Projekt STAR CITIZEN vorgestellt. Es wird eine Art Privateer-MMO welches unter anderen per Crowdfunding finanziert werden soll und für 2014 geplant ist. Beim Erscheinen soll das Spiel wie bei der Guild Wars-Serie dann nur einmal bezahlt werden, hat also keine Abogebühren.

Gamersglobal hat ein ausführlichen Artikel darüber: http://www.gamersglobal.de/news/59802/g ... ar-citizen

Einen Trailer gibt es auch schon dazu:

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

Hier noch eine Erklärung zum Spiel vom Macher selbst:

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

Die offizielle Homepage ist hier zu erreichen: http://backup-eu.robertsspaceindustries.com/
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Re: [PC]Star Citizen - Neues Weltraum-MMO von Chris Roberts

Ungelesener Beitrag von Kringel »

Immer diese blöden MMOs. Denkt denn keiner mehr an die armen Singleplayer? :cry:
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Re: [PC]Star Citizen - Neues Weltraum-MMO von Chris Roberts

Ungelesener Beitrag von Diboo »

Ich habe gleich gespendet. Splendid!
"Alles, was es wert ist, getan zu werden, ist es auch wert, für Geld getan zu werden."
(13. Erwerbsregel)
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Liest zur Zeit: Nelson Bond: "Lancelot Biggs Weltraumfahrten" (Lancelot Biggs: Spaceman)
Lucy Kissik: "Projekt Pluto" (Plutoshine)
Perry Rhodan "Die Meister der Insel" (Zyklus-Paket 1)

Marvel Epic Collection "Ant-Man 01: The Man in a Anthill" von Jack Kirby, Don Heck, Dirk Ayers und Stan Lee
Marvel Epic Collection "Wolferine 01: Madripoor Nights" von Chris Claremont, Peter David, John Buscema und Gene Colan
Wohnort: Schwalbach a.Ts.

Re: [PC]Star Citizen - Neues Weltraum-MMO von Chris Roberts

Ungelesener Beitrag von Khaanara »

Diboo hat geschrieben:Ich habe gleich gespendet. Splendid!
Bestimmt in der Stufe für das mittlere Schiff und dem Modell, was dann zugeschickt wird! :smokin

Mache ich nach meinem Urlaub, das Jahrbuch war im Moment zu kostenintensiv! :p
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Re: [PC]Star Citizen - Neues Weltraum-MMO von Chris Roberts

Ungelesener Beitrag von Olaf »

Bin jetzt zu faul, mir die Videos anzusehn.
Soll das etwa so werden wie Eve online?
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Bundesland: Hessen
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Liest zur Zeit: Nelson Bond: "Lancelot Biggs Weltraumfahrten" (Lancelot Biggs: Spaceman)
Lucy Kissik: "Projekt Pluto" (Plutoshine)
Perry Rhodan "Die Meister der Insel" (Zyklus-Paket 1)

Marvel Epic Collection "Ant-Man 01: The Man in a Anthill" von Jack Kirby, Don Heck, Dirk Ayers und Stan Lee
Marvel Epic Collection "Wolferine 01: Madripoor Nights" von Chris Claremont, Peter David, John Buscema und Gene Colan
Wohnort: Schwalbach a.Ts.

Re: [PC]Star Citizen - Neues Weltraum-MMO von Chris Roberts

Ungelesener Beitrag von Khaanara »

Nein, eher wie ein Wing Commander/Privateer-Online! Mehr Action, weniger Politik! Auch fliegt man die Schiffe in der aus den alten Spielen bekannten Cockpitansicht und nicht von aussen gesehen. Die großen Schiffe sollen auch begehbar sein und man kann seine Mitspieler auf die Waffendecks positionieren, während man selbst fliegt.

Das einzige was es mit Eve gemeinsam hat, es gibt nur eine Welt!
Gamemaster des Forums
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Beiträge: 12866
Registriert: 14. Oktober 2002 08:00
Bundesland: Hessen
Land: Deutschland
Liest zur Zeit: Nelson Bond: "Lancelot Biggs Weltraumfahrten" (Lancelot Biggs: Spaceman)
Lucy Kissik: "Projekt Pluto" (Plutoshine)
Perry Rhodan "Die Meister der Insel" (Zyklus-Paket 1)

Marvel Epic Collection "Ant-Man 01: The Man in a Anthill" von Jack Kirby, Don Heck, Dirk Ayers und Stan Lee
Marvel Epic Collection "Wolferine 01: Madripoor Nights" von Chris Claremont, Peter David, John Buscema und Gene Colan
Wohnort: Schwalbach a.Ts.

Interview mit Chris Roberts über seine Spiele, Filme und SC

Ungelesener Beitrag von Khaanara »

Felix Rick von Gameswelt.tv im Interview mit Chris Robert über den Beginn seiner Karriere in der Spieleindustrie, seine Filme (Wing Commander, Lord of War, Lucky Number Slevin) und sein neues Projekt Star Citizen: http://www.gameswelt.tv/star-citizen/st ... kler,30917
don redhorse
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Re: [PC]Star Citizen - Neues Weltraum-MMO von Chris Roberts

Ungelesener Beitrag von don redhorse »

Endlich ein würdiger Ersatz für "Freelancer".

Schande über mich: ich kenne Privateer nur dem Namen nach. Naja, war ein paar Jahre vor meiner Gamer-Zeit...
"Ich habe Dinge gesehen, die ihr Menschen niemals glauben würdet."
Roy Batty in Blade Runner

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Beiträge: 12866
Registriert: 14. Oktober 2002 08:00
Bundesland: Hessen
Land: Deutschland
Liest zur Zeit: Nelson Bond: "Lancelot Biggs Weltraumfahrten" (Lancelot Biggs: Spaceman)
Lucy Kissik: "Projekt Pluto" (Plutoshine)
Perry Rhodan "Die Meister der Insel" (Zyklus-Paket 1)

Marvel Epic Collection "Ant-Man 01: The Man in a Anthill" von Jack Kirby, Don Heck, Dirk Ayers und Stan Lee
Marvel Epic Collection "Wolferine 01: Madripoor Nights" von Chris Claremont, Peter David, John Buscema und Gene Colan
Wohnort: Schwalbach a.Ts.

Re: [PC]Star Citizen - Neues Weltraum-MMO von Chris Roberts

Ungelesener Beitrag von Khaanara »

don redhorse hat geschrieben:Endlich ein würdiger Ersatz für "Freelancer".

Schande über mich: ich kenne Privateer nur dem Namen nach. Naja, war ein paar Jahre vor meiner Gamer-Zeit...
Naja, die ersten Jahre hat er auch Freelancer ja entworfen, was ja im Prinzip eine Weiterentwicklung von Privateer ist! Nach der Übernahme von Microsoft seiner Firma Digital Anvil ist er dann aber zum Film abgewandert und der Deutsche Jörg Neumann hat dann das Spiel fertiggestellt für Microsoft.

Die Wing Commander-Reihe und Privateer bekommt man aber für die heutigen Systeme angepasst bei Good old Games:

Freelancer hatte ich vor einigen Wochen neu installiert und mit Mods etwas aufgefrischt, das macht auch heute noch Spass! :)
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Re: [PC]Star Citizen - Neues Weltraum-MMO von Chris Roberts

Ungelesener Beitrag von lapismont »

Khaanara hat geschrieben:Nein, eher wie ein Wing Commander/Privateer-Online! Mehr Action, weniger Politik! Auch fliegt man die Schiffe in der aus den alten Spielen bekannten Cockpitansicht und nicht von aussen gesehen. Die großen Schiffe sollen auch begehbar sein und man kann seine Mitspieler auf die Waffendecks positionieren, während man selbst fliegt.

Das einzige was es mit Eve gemeinsam hat, es gibt nur eine Welt!
klingt genau nach dem, was ich mir immer für ein SF-MMO gewünscht hab
don redhorse
Beiträge: 582
Registriert: 6. April 2012 08:56
Bundesland: Rheinland Pfalz
Land: Deutschland

Re: [PC]Star Citizen - Neues Weltraum-MMO von Chris Roberts

Ungelesener Beitrag von don redhorse »

Khaanara hat geschrieben:Freelancer hatte ich vor einigen Wochen neu installiert und mit Mods etwas aufgefrischt, das macht auch heute noch Spass! :)
Dito :wink: Aber der frühere Suchtfaktor hat doch nachgelassen. Irgendwann muss was ansehnlicheres, moderneres her. Ein neues Freelancer mit rollenspielartigem Upgradesystem (wie in Darkstar One) und einem variablen Handelssystem (wie die Spiele der X-Reihe) sowie zufallsgenerierten Instanzen (ganze Planetensysteme aus dem Radomisierer) wäre der Hit.

Star Citizen? Schön wärs ja. Hoffentlich... :roll:
"Ich habe Dinge gesehen, die ihr Menschen niemals glauben würdet."
Roy Batty in Blade Runner

Gamemaster des Forums
Gamemaster des Forums
Beiträge: 12866
Registriert: 14. Oktober 2002 08:00
Bundesland: Hessen
Land: Deutschland
Liest zur Zeit: Nelson Bond: "Lancelot Biggs Weltraumfahrten" (Lancelot Biggs: Spaceman)
Lucy Kissik: "Projekt Pluto" (Plutoshine)
Perry Rhodan "Die Meister der Insel" (Zyklus-Paket 1)

Marvel Epic Collection "Ant-Man 01: The Man in a Anthill" von Jack Kirby, Don Heck, Dirk Ayers und Stan Lee
Marvel Epic Collection "Wolferine 01: Madripoor Nights" von Chris Claremont, Peter David, John Buscema und Gene Colan
Wohnort: Schwalbach a.Ts.

Re: [PC]Star Citizen - Neues Weltraum-MMO von Chris Roberts

Ungelesener Beitrag von Khaanara »

Ich fasse mal die Kickstarter-News hier zusammen (bin aber erst mit 19 eingestiegen):
Project Update #19: Unlocked: Odin System

Posted by Cloud Imperium Games Corporation


We announced the star system stretch goals only a few hours ago and it’s already time to show you the first one! Congratulations on $3.1 million, pilots! Here’s what you’ve added to the map:

Odin System
Ownership: United Earth Empire
Planets: 4
Planetary Rotation: Osiris II 487 SED (Standard Earth Day)
Imports: Food, Medical Supplies
Exports: None
Black Market: Weapons, Gemstones
UEE Strategic Value Rank: Grey

Description: Odin is one of the oldest star systems visited by man. Fifty thousand years ago, it was a vibrant solar system remarkably similar to Earth or Terra. Since that time, Odin’s star has degenerated into a white dwarf, rendering its planets icy nightmare worlds.

Odin II is within the system’s minuscule green band and is home to a variety of temporary UEE “deep freeze” expeditions, with the lack of surviving vegetation making it an ideal site for a weapons laboratory. Smugglers occasionally choose to call the system home, but their stays are infrequent… Odin is too cold even for pirates and gained killers.

Odin II’s moon, Vili, is frequently used as a corporate weapons testing range. As a result, something of a black market for weapons technology has grown up in the region: much of it is junk, but pilots have reported finding occasional deals on discarded top-of-the-line military-grade surplus.

There is a thick asteroid belt close in, likely the remnants of a planet which did not survive the star’s failure. The UEE formally bans mining in the system, although little effort is paid to enforcing this edict. The field is largely uninteresting, but intrepid miners have been known to hit on substantive caches of gemstones, making their trips worthwhile.

Odin IV is a gas giant and home to a UEE-sponsored hydrogen rendering station and fuel depot. Fuel is remarkably cheap here for this part of the galaxy, although accommodations are notoriously spartan.

Known jumps to Baker, Helios and Osiris.

Next up, at $3.2 million: “Seven planets exist in this system. Unfortunately, the star is about to go supernova so no one has claimed it. A great place to have clandestine meetings.”

Project Update #20: Unlocked: Tyrol System

Posted by Cloud Imperium Games Corporation


Unbelievable - two systems unlocked in two days! Here's your first look at the Tyrol System... plus some other good news: two new ships will unlock, at $3.25 million and $3.75 million at the RSI site and you'll get descriptions of those as well! Plus, more details about the FPS mode at $3.5 million and an update to it at $4 million! So please keep those pledges coming.

Tyrol System

Ownership: None

Planets: 7

Planetary Rotation: Tyrol V 393 SED (Standard Earth Day)

Import: None

Export: Mineral, Elements

Black Market: Sentient Trafficking, Narcotics, Mercenaries, You name it.

UEE Strategic Value: Grey

Description: Located near the Banu Protectorate, Tyrol is a powder keg. The star has entered the red giant phase of its evolution and scientists are predicting that it will go supernova soon. Therefore, the UEE has designated the system as a scientific/research zone, allowing the scientific community to set up to record the effects of a supernova up close.

This also means that there is no real law presence in the system. If you can avoid the scientific research stations, you can find all sorts of disposable settlements on the planets. Most of them are used for smuggling operations while some are simply squatter camps, looking for free real estate before the system explodes.

Tyrol V currently hosts the most organized settlement, known as Haven. The planet surface is burned out from the star's initial evolution to the red giant phase and most humanoids require some kind of thermal shielding in their clothes in order to avoid blindness and sunburn.

Haven is built into the rock of a vast canyon in an effort to keep the temperature down. What started as a small network of tunnels expanded as more fugitives, criminals, expatriates, and outlaws decided to roll the dice and hide in a dying system.

Jump-point connections to Charon System (UEE) and Xi’An Territory.

Next up, at $3.3 million: "Home of the infamous QuarterDeck PrisonWorld. Don't mess with the Cops around here."

Project Update #21: Multiplayer, Single Player and Instancing

Posted by Cloud Imperium Games Corporation

Hi everyone!

I get a lot of questions about how the whole persistent universe works and what I mean when I talk about battle instances.

I’ve given some answers but as it keeps coming up, I thought it would be good to give all of you a longer description in how this all works and fits together.

One of my goals with Star Citizen was to create a huge open world that you could adventure in solo, with your friends, mingling with NPCs and other real people.

Freelancer was built to have up to 128 players in multiplayer, but as a few of you know that was more a theoretical maximum than something that was really practical, especially back in 2003. When I started building Freelancer, partly inspired by the work done on Ultima Online (which was in development when I was still at Origin), the fun I was having playing multiplayer games like Command & Conquer and Diablo I had wanted to bring the Privateer experience into the bold new world of multiplayer. My original vision for Freelancer was to first release a single player game and then follow it up with massively multiplayer version with a dynamic economy and a world that reacted and adapted to the players actions.

I didn’t get a chance to deliver this vision and ultimately while Freelancer was a good game, it fell short of what I was aiming for.

With Star Citizen I was determined to combine what I wanted to achieve with Freelancer, with the personal experience that I think both Wing Commander and Privateer were so strong with.

But me being me, I wanted to combine things I like about the promise of a MMO, but avoid the aspects that I’m not so keen on like splintered player groups, griefing and grinding. I also was really impressed with how Demon’s Souls merged the single player experience with the multiplayer side.

All of this helped form my thinking on how Star Citizen is going to balance the difficult balancing act between multiplayer and single player.

All multiplayer games – whether they are a persistent world massively multiplayer game (MMO) like World of Warcraft or just an online multiplayer game like Battlefield 3 – have a limit to the number of players that can be active in anyone area or level. This number is usually inversely proportional to the amount of data that needs to go between the client and the server. For a game with complex physics and a fully destructible terrain, like Battlefield 3 the number of players that can active in an instance is less than a game with less real time fidelity like WoW, or Eve on Line. But in all cases there are always more players than any one server instance can handle. For a persistent multiplayer world like WoW the solution is to split up the player base into more manageable groups called “shards”, which are a permanent instance of the universe that look after a certain amount of players.

One thing I don’t like about most MMO structures is the fragmentation of the player base between these “shards”. If you had joined much later than a friend of yours, there may not be room on his world instance anymore and you have to join another parallel one and so cannot play together. This is one of the nice things about the Eve Online design – everyone plays in the same universe.

In Star Citizen there is going to be one persistent universe server that everyone exists on. So you will never be separated from your friends, and if you want you’ll be able to join up and adventure together, you can. Due to the fidelity of the dogfighting and physics simulation we can’t however handle thousands of players in the same area of space. Even if you had enough internet bandwidth to handle the data going back and forth and a super computer for the server there’s no PC, even with quad SLI that could render that many spaceships with Star Citizen’s fidelity.

So the “magic” of Star Citizen’s multiplayer design is how we combine a persistent universe with a more traditional (and easier to implement) temporary multiplayer “battle” instance.

The way it works is that the persistent universe server, which we’re calling the Galaxy Server, keeps track of all players’ assets, group relationships and locations inside the Star Citizen universe. As the Galaxy server isn’t handling any realtime action it can handle our complete player base, which right now would be about 45,000 players, but is designed to be able to scale to millions if need be. The other key thing the Galaxy Server does is dynamically place players based on their location, skill level, alignment and player versus player (PvP) preference into battle instances. Think of a “battle” instance like a Battlefield 3 multiplayer session or a World of Tanks Battle with the key difference that the selection of players is done transparently and is “in fiction”.

An illustration of how this would work is like this –

I start out planet side on New Pittsburg. I decide to buy a few tonnes of steel to fly to the shipyards of Terra. I’m currently in the hands of the galaxy server that communicates with my client and handles my purchases and interactions on the planet as these are not real time in the manner that the space action is. We render these in the manner of Freelancer, as detailed 3D environments where we see a third person view of our character in a location and we can click on Non Player Characters (NPCs) or terminals to buy / sell, upgrade your ship, get gossip, hear about a mission and so on. You’ll also be able to interact with other players via a chat interface. We haven’t fully worked out the player avatar handling planet side but the bar or private clubs will be where you can meet / chat to other players. Besides populating the bar with NPCs, the game will also populate the bar with other players. If there are more players planet side than there are slots of avatars in the bar the ones visible to you will be based off your friends list and then it will be based on relevance to you – a player looking for a wingman, one from a similar group, or maybe someone that you’ve been given a mission to find or hunt down. You will also be able to see the full list of players in the room if there are more players than there are slots. Default would be a drop down list for this, but as I hate anything that breaks the immersion, we’ll probably come up with a better in fiction way of seeing the list of players – maybe you tell the bartender who you’re looking for, maybe you can look at the door list for the bar.

Having bought my cargo I launch into space. If there are players already in orbit there will be an orbit instance already created. If it’s not full then I will be placed into that. If it is full then a new one will be dynamically created. All orbit (and battle) instances reserve slots for friends and persons of interest (POI), which can be NPCs or other players, so if you’ve launched and there are multiple orbit instances and you have friends already in orbit you should be placed into that instance. This is also the dynamic that will be applied if you want to follow another player – you can “tag” them as a POI and then the game will do its best to place you in the same instance as your POI. For instance if you tagged someone planet side and they launch your PDA with its future version of Siri will notify you that your POI is leaving, giving you a window to launch into space too.

Once in orbit I can pull up my Navigation computer and set a course for my destination. If its several systems away like Terra, the nav computer will chart a course through the relevant jump points. You will be able to adjust this like on Google maps, so if you click a different jump point on the system map it will then re-route you on the shortest path to your destination with that jump point as the first “jump”

Once I’ve plotted my nav course I would then engage auto-pilot and head towards my first “way” point on the path to my destination (a jump point, an interim space feature, like an asteroid belt and so on). At this point I’ve been handed back to the Galaxy Server, which is determining whether I will encounter a hostile, someone that has tagged me as a POI, or a predetermined encounter on the way, or if I’m going to run across ongoing battle instance that is relevant to me (some members of the instance are aligned against or with me). These encounters could be with an NPC or a live player(s) and are sorted on skill level and also – which is important to all of you that like a more single player experience and don’t want to deal with griefers – based on your player versus player (PvP) preference. So if you’ve set your game settings to be low PvP and you’re in a relatively safe area, you’ll likely have an NPC (PvE) encounter as opposed to a PvP one. Of course your ranking and any reputation you earn won’t be the same with a PvE encounter versus a PvP. My hope for this dynamic is that it will allow people to first play Star Citizen in a safer more single player open world style, but as they grow in confidence and want to test their mettle against other real players they can take the training wheels off and get into battles with real players. There will also be areas of the universe that no matter what your PvP setting is, will be PvP. These will be systems that are on the fringes of the policed galaxy and will be notorious for pirate and other illegal activity. They will also be the most lucrative areas – if you can survive.

Now if you’re flying with your friends, who you can link to via the game POI “tagging” system, they will be with you when you’re pulled into a battle instance, whether it is against NPCs, real players or a combination of both.

Once the Galaxy Server has determined that you will have an encounter based on the above criteria it either dynamically creates a battle instance, or puts you in one if one already exists at the encounter point, and that instance has room for new players. To exit this instance you either have to resolve the hostilities by defeating who’s targeting you, negotiating an exit or just outrunning them. Once in an instance you can put out a distress call to your friends. There are two ways people on your friends list (or squadron as we’re going to call it) can help. We save slots in all instances for friends to warp in to fight. To do this they need to be in the same system. If they are they can autopilot in to your rescue and will be dropped into the instance. If they’re not in the star system, if they can get to your system before the battle is over then they can join (but will only be able to join once they’ve reached your system). The second way for your friends to help out is by “dropping in” on your ship. This only works if it’s a multi person vehicle like the RSI Constellation. In this scenario they don’t need to be in your system, they just will drop in inside your ship and will be able to move around in first person, climbing into a turret to man it, or jumping in you P52 to fly it in combat while you fly the main ship (or they could fly your main ship and you pilot the fighter)

Once the hostilities or the event (sometimes you could be pulled into an instance because you came across a derelict ship or space station and we want to give the player a chance to explore) that triggered the drop out of auto-pilot has been resolved, you can hit auto-pilot again, get handed back to the Galaxy Server and go about your way on the nav course you’ve plotted.

You will always drop out at jump points and planets, where you will need to either make a jump to another system or land.

This process is continued until you reach your final destination, which in my example would be Terra, where I would use my comm system to negotiate a landing slot, which would take me down to the planet’s surface via an in-engine cinematic. Once planet side I’ll be able to sell my cargo, replenish my supplies and look for new opportunities via the third person planet side interface.

The advantage of this system is that is allows you to tailor your experience towards your preference – solo, co-op or full PvP. It also doesn’t partition you into different, parallel versions of the Star Citizen universe as everyone is kept on the persistent server. Because our battle or orbit / space instances are temporary, you’re never stuck

with one group over the long term and due to our heavy emphasis on friends and co-op, there will always be room for your friends to join you on your adventure; whether it’s against other players or NPCs.

The same instance system underpins the single player Squadron 42. If you’re playing off-line, your computer will be acting as the server and client, there will be no opportunities for friends to join and everyone will be an NPC. But if you play Squadron 42 through the Galaxy Server, even though your missions and space areas are pre-determined (you don’t get to pick where in the galaxy you are flying if you’re in the military) we will allow your friends to drop in / drop out to take over NPC wingmen and if you want extra skill ranking you can allow other players to drop in and take over enemy ace characters. This system is pretty similar to the Demon’s Souls setup where people could drop in as a Blue Phantom to help you kill a boss monster or fight off another invading player, or you could drop in as a Black Phantom to someone else’s world and try and kill them for XP and other gamerewards.

The key to all this is to allow player choice – you want to play alone you can, want your friends to join you in co-op we allow that and if you want to be challenged by other real players you can do that. The special part is that it can all happen in the same holistic universe.

I hope this helps in terms of understanding how we’re balancing the aspects of multiplayer as well as making the game fun.
Gamemaster des Forums
Gamemaster des Forums
Beiträge: 12866
Registriert: 14. Oktober 2002 08:00
Bundesland: Hessen
Land: Deutschland
Liest zur Zeit: Nelson Bond: "Lancelot Biggs Weltraumfahrten" (Lancelot Biggs: Spaceman)
Lucy Kissik: "Projekt Pluto" (Plutoshine)
Perry Rhodan "Die Meister der Insel" (Zyklus-Paket 1)

Marvel Epic Collection "Ant-Man 01: The Man in a Anthill" von Jack Kirby, Don Heck, Dirk Ayers und Stan Lee
Marvel Epic Collection "Wolferine 01: Madripoor Nights" von Chris Claremont, Peter David, John Buscema und Gene Colan
Wohnort: Schwalbach a.Ts.

Re: [PC]Star Citizen - Neues Weltraum-MMO von Chris Roberts

Ungelesener Beitrag von Khaanara »

Mit etwa 6,2 Millionen $ an Crowdfundinggeldern ist das Projekt jetzt erfolgreich vorfinanziert worden und den normalen Investoren wohl gezeigt worden, dass die Spieler noch so ein Spiel haben möchten (alleine bei Kickstarter waren es 34.397 Baker mit 2,1 millionen Dollar). Da bin ich mal auf die Alpha nächstes Jahr gespannt.

Hier noch die Meldung dazu:
Project Update #48: Thank You! - End of Campaign Transition

Posted by Cloud Imperium Games Corporation

The battle is over and we - PC gamers, space sim fans, WingNuts, Lancers and the rest - have won. You've not only met every goal we set, you've exceeded them. Star Citizen will be released because of your dedication and your willingness to put your money where our mouths are. Our gratitude is immeasurable; we owe you our livelihoods and will not soon forget it.

The question is: what happens next?

Our intention has always been to make Roberts Space Industries YOUR site. It's not a public advertisement for the game; it's a private community for those who are making the game happen. We want your input on what we're doing and we want to share our plans with you; the occasional passer-by doesn't concern us. The plan was initially to immediately switch on a wall that would allow only you, our backers, to access features like the Comm-Link and the Spectrum Dispatches. Kickstarter has thrown something of a wrench in this plan: we can't change the site until the Kickstarter backers are integrated, which may take up to two weeks, otherwise we would be blocking thousands of backers from participating.

Updates and features will continue, returning to a regular schedule in the next few days. The team needs a few days to collect ourselves and reform before jumping into the immense task ahead (after the last month, our husbands, wives, children and yes, pets, miss us!) We will also be launching new sections which have been in the works for some time: the Galactapedia will tell you more about the Star Citizen world, Engineering will introduce you to game mechanics that are being planned and Holovids will offer you video footage from the game as it takes shape.

What about pledges? Good news: those of you who got in on the ground floor are covered. Your ships have lifetime insurance policies and for the next year you will have the ability to purchase further tiers or upgrade existing ones at the initial prices. That's not true of everyone else: if you want to back Star Citizen and participate in this amazing community, you still can. but it's going to cost you a little extra as of now, and you aren't going to have as many extras (no lifetime insurance, for example.)

One issue which concerns us is what to do with the funding tracker. So we're going to throw the issue up to you: in two weeks, when the wall goes up, what do you want to see done with the tracker? Without the 'push' of the campaign it probably won't update very dramatically. but it's always possible it will go up enough to reach future stretch goals anyway. Should we keep it, remove it or put it somewhere else? We'll let the community decide.

We also have previously outlined the 'behind the screens' subscription plans available now. They're designed for users who simply want to give us a little extra support during the development - you're getting the whole story, regardless - but we will have some extra fun for our monthly contributors.

We can't thank you enough for everything you've done for this project. Please see the next update on 'The Pledge' for our promise to you. The next two years are going to be incredible for all involved and we're thoroughly happy that all of you are along for this exciting ride.
Gamemaster des Forums
Gamemaster des Forums
Beiträge: 12866
Registriert: 14. Oktober 2002 08:00
Bundesland: Hessen
Land: Deutschland
Liest zur Zeit: Nelson Bond: "Lancelot Biggs Weltraumfahrten" (Lancelot Biggs: Spaceman)
Lucy Kissik: "Projekt Pluto" (Plutoshine)
Perry Rhodan "Die Meister der Insel" (Zyklus-Paket 1)

Marvel Epic Collection "Ant-Man 01: The Man in a Anthill" von Jack Kirby, Don Heck, Dirk Ayers und Stan Lee
Marvel Epic Collection "Wolferine 01: Madripoor Nights" von Chris Claremont, Peter David, John Buscema und Gene Colan
Wohnort: Schwalbach a.Ts.

[PC]Star Citizen - Chris Roberts erklärt das Wirtschaftssyst

Ungelesener Beitrag von Khaanara »

Chris Roberts erklärt in diesem Video das Wirtschaftssystem im Spiel und die Einflüsse auf Mitspieler und NPCs:

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

Weitere Infos auf deren Homepage: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm ... en-Economy

Informationen zum aktuellen Stand des Spieles gibt es unter anderem hier: http://www.gamersglobal.de/news/72864/s ... aftssystem
Gamemaster des Forums
Gamemaster des Forums
Beiträge: 12866
Registriert: 14. Oktober 2002 08:00
Bundesland: Hessen
Land: Deutschland
Liest zur Zeit: Nelson Bond: "Lancelot Biggs Weltraumfahrten" (Lancelot Biggs: Spaceman)
Lucy Kissik: "Projekt Pluto" (Plutoshine)
Perry Rhodan "Die Meister der Insel" (Zyklus-Paket 1)

Marvel Epic Collection "Ant-Man 01: The Man in a Anthill" von Jack Kirby, Don Heck, Dirk Ayers und Stan Lee
Marvel Epic Collection "Wolferine 01: Madripoor Nights" von Chris Claremont, Peter David, John Buscema und Gene Colan
Wohnort: Schwalbach a.Ts.

[PC]SC- Raumschiffe modellieren und 30.000$ bekommen

Ungelesener Beitrag von Khaanara »

Bei Star Citizen kann man jetzt eigene Raumschiffe entwerfen und hat die Chance auf 30.000$ Preisgeld: http://www.gamersglobal.de/news/77589/s ... -preisgeld

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

Nach dem erreichen des 22 Millionen Dollar-Zieles vorige Woche bekommen die Hangars jetzt ein Aquarium und ein neues Modell der Aurora wurde vorgestellt:

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

Hier noch eine Präsentation von der diesjährigen CitizenCon anlässlich des ersten Geburtstages:

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=

Die Chance, dass die nächste CitizenCon 2014 in Berlin stattfindet ist aktuell recht groß. Berlin liegt in der Abstimmung mit 35% vor London mit 21%: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm ... ar-Citizen

In Deutschland sind wohl die meisten SpaceSim-Fans beheimatet! :beanie: