Valerie J. Long - The Second Soulmate

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Valerie J. Long
Beiträge: 2829
Registriert: 19. Januar 2013 13:11
Bundesland: Hessen
Land: Deutschland
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Valerie J. Long - The Second Soulmate

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Valerie J. Long - The Second Soulmate

Catherine Mallory is an ex-cop, storage worker, and waitress. Her life has become dull after she lost her partner and therefore quit her job. She likes dull.
Catherine Mallory was one of Frangeles’ best detectives, until the day that her partner was killed by an unlucky stray bullet. She quit her police job and started operating a forklift at day, serving drinks at night. Both jobs together pay her rent and her food and keep her from brooding over how she had failed her teammate.
One day though, she finds the dead victim of a violent crime, and her old job instincts kick in. She decides to investigate and interfere. She can’t know that this decision will lead her into deeper trouble than ordinary mortals could imagine.

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Valerie J. Long - The Second Soulmate

Two dark silhouettes stepped out of a shadowy passage ahead. Seven inches of metal reflected the dim light of one of the few working street lamps.
Cat shrugged and flexed her fingers. The side streets of Frangeles late at night were no place for a girl on her own. That was what Joaquin had always said, and Joaquin’s advice had usually been good.
But Joaquin was dead now, and Cat no longer cared. She wore shorts, boots, and a loose-fitting shirt. Her pockets contained a multicard, a lighter, and a lipstick she hadn’t used for years.
There was nothing to gain for the occasional street rat but trouble. Trouble everyone could easily have avoided—she by sticking to the main roads, them by staying out of her way.
The man with the blade stepped forward. “All you got, now!”
Yeah, exactly. Cat’s foot kicked the knife from his hand. Two quick strikes took the air out of his lungs, and a sharp hit with the edge of her hand almost shattered the other thug’s lower jaw.
She assumed the playful tiger stance and waited.
Her opponents glanced at her, made up their minds, and hurried away.
Once they had disappeared, Cat straightened herself and continued on her way.
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